Monday, October 26, 2009

Project 3: Development Sketches


Sketches pg2

sketches pg3

sketches pg4

sketches pg5

sketche pg6

Project 3 - Self Powered Light

Using the principle of electromagnetic power generation (think dyno powered lights on bikes and other products) the "Walk-ies!" Leash Light lights up producing a strong leading light and a glow on the side.

With our busy lifestyles, often man's best friend has to settle with being taken for his walk at the end of the day. This can be dangerous with other vehicles not being able to see you, your dog or the lead.

The Leash Light ensures that you and your pet are visible without the need for batteries so you'll never be caught out in the dark.



Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Make it so...

It's good to see that Engineering Australia are spreading the profile of what engineers can achieve to the general public. A new campaign called "make it so" involves the Australian people, showing them how creative and innovative Engineers can be. Below is a snippet from their website:

The Make it so campaign seeks to increase community awareness about the engineering profession by getting the public involved.

With a mix of public relations, media and online activities, it will get people involved with engineering like never before.

The premise behind Make it so is simple. We will take people’s dreams and turn them into reality. The campaign will become an engaging and memorable way to showcase how the profession solves problems with creativity, innovation and the application of science.

Here’s how it works

1. Recruit members of the engineering team – build a cadre of advocates for Make it so. If you’d like to join the team, register now.

2. Media coverage – generate interest in the engineering team, focusing on the contributions the team makes to Australian lives.

3. Launch a national competition, asking ordinary Australians to tell us about their dreams.

4. Making it so – select teams to design and develop the winning ideas.

The campaign, funded by Engineers Australia as part of our commitment to the engineering profession, was launched to Congress on 22 July 2009 in Canberra.

The campaign will feature a public competition early next year to show people how engineering teams solve problems with creativity, innovation and the application of science.

We will encourage Australians to share their dreams by telling us what would make their lives better. It might be:

  • Make it so I stop snoring
  • Make it so my couch can be heated in winter
  • Make it so my iPod charges while I ride my bike

And then we're going to turn some of their dreams into reality.

Join the campaign today and help raise the profile of engineering in Australia.

Check out the web site at

"Make it so"
Jean Luc Picard - Star Trek

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Design Matrix Dutch Style

While studying in The Netherlands in 2008, I was taught another method of quickly generating ideas (similar to what was shown in today's lecture).

The Dutchies call this a "morphological diagram" or "morphology". The main idea is that you work out all of the functions you want your product to do (though a function analysis) and then brainstorm solutions to fulfill those functions. You can then pick a solution from each row to combine to create many concepts that fulfill all functional needs.

I have included an example of one that I did for my final project at my Dutch IBL placement. It is an office chair for use at adjustable height tables to encompass sitting users as well as those requiring a standing aid. (think drafting table)

Click on the image below to get a better look
Morphological Diagram

This would be a great way to generate lots and lots of ideas (sorry that i didn't think of it sooner to post up for our first project!)


“Good ideas are common - what's uncommon are people who'll work hard enough to bring them about”

Ashleigh Brilliant - Author and Cartoonist

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Welcome to my design life

I am Michelle Rosevear and this is my Blog.

As part of my Product Design Engineering final year subject, Professional Attributes, I have set up this blog. It will be used to relay my ideas and subject my work to the scrutiny of my peers. The aim is also to give me exposure as a Product Design Engineer and to show my skills and personality to potential employers.

Each week I will post projects. These projects are set weekly to the class. I will also include weekly musings and information that I find interesting. Feel free to post comments as these will help fuel further creative thinking and help in class discussions.

I'll leave you with some wisdom:

"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
Albert Einstein